Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In NY Magazine

Ah some press...


They didn't get everything I said 100% but it was decent.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Currently it is all about pricing. With most units on the market at 2007 or 2008 prices nothing will get sold. A lot of people are tricked into thinking that if they hire a broker or get into the RLS, that will change their results with bad pricing.

Well the only way to change your results is to price effectively and that is near or below 2005 levels. No matter the exposure, bad pricing will only result in a lack of tangible results. Their is a a big gap between sellers and buyers and the tepid market will continue until that gap is closed. With market reports showing drops in prices approx 21% and sellers holding their ground, we have an arduous road ahead in 2009.

2010 should bring more clarity as the gap will narrow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Story of 45 Park Ave

This unit was represented by Corcoran and it never sold. So the owner decided to sell on his own and utilize the flexibility in price without the listing broker. He further enhanced his marketing by working with buy side brokers - which still lowered his costs from using an exclusive broker.

Within 1 month he was able to get an offer and shortly after that the contract was signed.

45 Park Ave

Member Status update + New Feature

We have upped the tally to 3 contract signed by members. 2 on their own and 1 with a buy side broker.

Our newest feature is inclusion in the RLS, OLR, Trulia and Street Easy for one low fee. (you must be working with buy side brokers and offering 2.5% or more commission)